Actor, Film Producer, Francis Onwochei at iREP 2014


Irv said…
[Congrats to the US Pederastal Service for honoring pederast Harvey Milk on a stamp!]

Harvey Milk Stamped "Out" Forever !

The Obama Cabal is behind universal GAYety with a "forever" postage stamp glorifying Harvey Milk, a Jewish homosexual predator "attracted to boys aged 15-19," according to WikiAnswers! (Also see Wikipedia.)
Global gaydom was even predicted by Jesus (see "days of Lot" in Luke 17 and compare with Genesis 19).
And the Hebrew prophet Zechariah (14th chapter) says that during the same end-time gay "days" ALL nations will come against Israel and fulfill the "days of Noah" at the same time (see Luke 17 again) - a short time of anti-Jewish genocide found in Zechariah 13:8 when two-thirds of all Jews will die.
In other words, when "gay days" have become universal, all hell will break loose!
The same "days" will cause worldwide human government to collapse in just a few short years! For the first time ever there won't be enough time for anyone to attend college, have a family, enjoy retirement, etc. It will also be the last time anyone like ObabaBlackSheep will be able to keep pulling the wool over our eyes!
One final thought. The more we see gays "coming out," the sooner Jesus will be "coming down"!
For more, Google or Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up," "Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality. When gays have birthdays...," "FOR GAYS ONLY: Jesus Predicted...," "USA - from Puritans to Impure-itans!" and "The Background Obama Can't Cover Up."
(PS: HOMOgenized Milk has been honored by Gov. Schwarzenaggravator as well as Pres. ObabaBlackSheep.)

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